Emoticons: Cross-eyed laughing face (XD), frowny face (:-(), smiley face (:-)), winky face ( -)).Currency: Dollar sign ($), cent sign (¢), pound sterling sign (£), euro sign (€), yen sign(¥).), degree sign (°), hashtag or pound sign(#), percent sign (%), underscore (_), vertical bar (|).Typography: Ampersand (&), asterisk (*), at sign backslash (\), forward slash (/), caret (^), center dot (.
Punctuation: Apostrophe (‘), open bracket (), open parenthesis(() and close parenthesis ()) open brace (), open angle bracket(), colon (:), comma (,), dash (-), ellipsis or dot dot dot(…), exclamation mark (!), hyphen (–), period or point or dot or full stop (.), question mark (?), quote and end quote (“), begin single quote and end single quote (‘), semicolon ( ).If you have an iPhone or iPad, note that these are identical to the voice commands used on Apple’s iOS. Here’s a full list of voice dictation commands you can use, adapted from Apple’s help site. RELATED: Use Voice Dictation to Save Time on Android, iPhone, and iPad How are you doing?”, you’d have to say “I’m doing well period how are you doing question mark.” You’ll need to speak the punctuation marks you want to type. Like on other operating systems, Voice Dictation won’t automatically fill in the appropriate punctuation marks as you speak a sentence normally. When you’re done dictating, tap the fn key again or click Done to make your Mac stop listening to you. You’ll need to reposition your microphone or configure which microphone is used from the Dictation pane. The purple indicator on the microphone should move as you speak. You can only speak for up to 30 seconds each time if you haven’t set up Enhanced Dictation.

If you haven’t, you’ll have to click Done or press the fn key again and your voice will be sent to Apple’s servers, where it’s interpreted and the text is filled into your application. If you’ve set up Enhanced Dictation, they’ll appear immediately. Speak to your Mac and the words you speak will start appearing in the text field.